Interview Tips

Prior to your interview …


Prior to your interview, research the company and the person(s) you will be meeting.  You can gain valuable information off of the internet.  Most companies have their own website with information on their history, benefits, location, etc.  Be sure to have accurate directions and parking information, and make sure you arrive on time.


After you have researched the company, gather your thoughts and compose at least five questions to ask during the interview that are related to the company and/or its performance.

Also, make sure you are confident when answering the following questions:

  • Why are you looking for a new opportunity?
  • What were your reasons for leaving your past positions?
  • What do you know about our company and this position?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • What is your salary requirement?
  • What is the most important aspect of being employed?


Dress the part. No matter what the dress code is for a company, it is always important to make an excellent first impression.  Make sure you dress in a conservative suit.  Men should wear a solid black or navy suit with a tie, jacket, and nice dress shoes.  Women should wear solid navy pants or skirt suits with nice dress shoes.  Keep your hair, nails, and teeth neat and clean.  If you have hair past your shoulders, you may want to pull it back behind your head.  Do not wear heavy perfume or cologne.


Make sure you bring several copies of your resume, transcripts, writing samples, reference contacts and letters of recommendation.  You may meet several people in the company that will request their own copies.


While interviewing, make sure you answer the questions completely and confidently.  Speak clearly and make eye contact.  Do not shrug your shoulders or look in another direction while speaking.  Keep your hands in front of you or take notes while listening.  If you are truly interested in the position and all that you have learned during the interview, state that you want the job.  So many times clients worry that the candidate was not interested based on comments made or comments not made during the interview.  Clients want to know that you want them as much as they want you.


After the interview, thank everyone for their time and state that you look forward to hearing from them.  Also, request business cards so you can write thank you letters to each individual.

Call your recruiter to follow up and give your feedback from the interview.